Tradition at One-Eared Dog Farm

Most businesses have one or more traditions that aid in defining who they are and what they stand for as a business. Ours is our “Release Day”.

I have heard many stories from customers about how many pheasants and other game birds there used to be in Allegan County and how they grew up game bird hunting (or their parents or grandparents). Pheasants are naturally a wild animal and pheasants’ largest predator (people) have all but eliminated the beautiful bird from Southwest Michigan through population pressure and elimination of fencelines in modern farming practices. The Todd Farm of the Allegan State Game Area supports a wild population, but that is all that I know of. Late every spring when we are done incubating for the year, we release our breeding pheasants into the wild locally in hopes that they lay a clutch and maybe even restore a wild population. “Release Day” is a bit of a reward to the birds for providing us with the new year’s pheasants and by far my favorite day of the year. Check out our videos below from the past two years and watch out for more in the future!

What tradition does your farm or other small business practice?

One-Eared Dog Farm pheasant release 2021

One-Eared Dog Farm pheasant release 2022

One-Eared Dog Farm pheasant release 2022


Customer Spotlight: Greg Buckwald